Precision-Strike Strategy
My most popular interventions over the years have been my high-intensity strategy and planning sessions with organizational leadership teams. Using my 26 years of military command and leadership experience, I guide my clients from vague wishes and objectives to specific, concrete, and actionable plans, complete with measurable outcomes, mission, milestones, resource estimations, responsibilities, coordination measures, and supporting plans.
I want more businesses and organizations to access this timely, precision-strike strategy and planning so they can seize and maintain the initiative against competitors in highly volatile conditions. This is why I’ve created Precision-Strike Strategy, a special high intensity strategy and planning process involving 2 days of focused work with an executive team that produces outstanding value quickly for a very reasonable investment. I use military techniques that have been honed in the heat of battle to create outstanding strategy and tactics and the plans to execute them effectively and efficiently.
Precision-Strike Strategy is perfect for teams:
- Formulating new strategy and plans quickly and effectively
- Tweaking and adjusting existing strategy and plans
- Validating current strategy and tactics
- Considering various change scenarios and their effect on your business or mandate
“Richard facilitated a two-day strategy and planning session with me and my SVPs. Richard helped us to create a clear vision for the company and a realistic plan for achieving it. His ability to integrate his military leadership and strategic planning experience were key in keeping us all on track and identifying the results that each of us must achieve. …The disciplined approach that Richard learned in the army was critical in getting us to focus and work as a team. We finished the session pumped and ready to work together to implement our strategic plan and to grow the business the way it needs to be grown.”
Sylvain Thauvette, President and CEO, Business & Decision, North America
“Richard was instrumental in guiding us, from the president to the team itself, not only to create a new business model, but also to shape it. He helped us focus on the important, mould the new, and leave the rest. Richard has a keen sense to first hear what is important and matters to us, then to construct the appropriate road and finally to lead us all down that newly built path. Thanks Richard!”
Laure Gazalé, Director of Sales, JPdL Montreal
“Richard worked with us to create a clear mission, vision, and values for Kingston Transit. He helped us confirm that more than ever the driving force of our business is our ability to move people effectively and efficiently within a high quality network. This confirmation is already providing dividends as we implement network upgrades and new routes and invest in our infrastructure.”
Denis Léger, Commissioner of Corporate Services, City of Kingston, Ontario
“Your disciplined a pproach and keen sense of organization allowed us to brainstorm freely within a structured framework while staying focused on the main objective.”
Linda Daoust, Chief Executive Officer, Mutuelle des municipalités du Québec
$8,500 for a 2-day Precision-Strike Strategy session with an executive/management/operational team
Laser Guided Coaching
My military leadership experience taught me the importance of honest and concrete feedback to improve performance. I’ve also realized as a management consultant and executive coach that we all need the perspective and insight of a thoughtful and incisive advisor, someone who can provide unbiased council and reflective observations with laser focus and accuracy.
I’m getting more a nd more requests for exactly this type of focused and timely advice. This is why I have created the Laser Guided Coaching process. In only one half-day or full-day session I can guide any executive, manager, entrepreneur, or professional through a rigorous and enlightening process of personal development, strategy, tactics, and planning.
Laser Guided Coaching is perfect for executives wishing to:
- Improve leadership skills and style
- Critique or set personal strategy and plans
- Explore solutions to specific problems
- Set objectives and priorities
- Examine basic assumptions
- Assess strengths and areas for growth
The goal is to gain insight quickly with minimal fuss and disruption to organizational or team activities. I use my military and coaching expertise to help individuals focus in on problems, solutions, and decisions quickly and effectively. Where else can you get such Laser Guided Coaching for such a reasonable and predictable investment?
“As CEO I usually spend a lot more time working on current problems than planning for the future. By working with Richard, I was able to get from a vague idea of what I wanted for the company to a very definite strategy and plan. Initially, we spent a day together covering all aspects of the business, including my objectives, the market and competition, previous results and the current situation. Richard asked all the right questions, forcing me to think about issues I hadn’t previously considered, or to see them differently. His recommendations were spot on and I was able to start implementing changes right after a single day spent together.”
Sylvain Thauvette, President and CEO, Business & Decision, North America
“I’ve known and have worked with Richard for several years. He is smart, creative and talented and is devoted to constantly improving his clients’ condition. If you are looking for a thought leader, with great experience, who can help you and your organization, Richard is the one I highly recommend.”
Chad Barr, President, CB Software Systems, Inc.
“As a professional coach, I really appreciated your comparison of coaching and mentoring. You showed us the nuances and differences of both methods and this helps to dispel much of the confusion over these two concepts in the business community. Your discussion of supporting concepts such as the learning curve, progression by leaps, and the principles of information and feedback contributed greatly to our understanding and knowledge and synthesized much of the discussion. You also encouraged a free exchange of ideas in a relaxed atmosphere through your interactive approach and your open-mindedness.”
Sylvie Boisvert, FIAC, Professional Coach
“Rich Martin has an insightful, counter-intuitive Weltanschauung that I highly recommend to anyone who seeks analysis that goes far beyond the mere assertions of recycled media reports, suspect think-tank assertions, and the mundane.”
Sean M. Maloney, PhD, Royal Military College of Canada
$2,000 for a half-day or $3,500 for a full-day Laser Guided Coaching session
1-888-453-3993 (toll free)
Richard Martin is a consultant, speaker, and executive coach. He brings his
military and business leadership and management experience to bear for exe-
cutives and organizations seeking to exploit change, maximize opportunity, and minimize risk.
Richard Martin est consultant, conférencier et coach. Il met son expérience de leadership militaire et d’affaires à profit pour les cadres et organisations qui veulent exploiter le changement, maximiser les opportunités et minimiser les risques.
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