by Richard Martin
The far (alt) right and the far (radical) left are pretty much identical in worldview, strategy, and tactics. The main distinction is ideological. The far left is internationalist and anti nationalist, while the far right is nationalistic and anti internationalist. Other than that, they are mostly twins.
They are both authoritarian.
They both reject or manipulate electoral politics.
They both use propaganda as a weapon and view truth as relative.
They are both cynical and nihilistic.
They both believe vehemently that the world as it is is profoundly disturbed or off kilter.
They are both anticapitalist.
They are both anti élitist.
They demonize their opponents and enemies, especially each other.
They accuse their opponents and critics of being insane, irrational, and/or inhuman(e).
They are against traditional religion.
They are against traditional hierarchies.
They are personalist ideologies that elevate their leaders to heroic or divine status.
They both elevate favoured groups/classes in society while attacking and victimizing those they hate.
They both rely heavily on mob action and direct, violent action.
They are both totalitarian and authoritarian.
I could go on, but I hope you get the picture.
© Richard Martin
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